Reactions and diffusion

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Conflict Management Techniques

Reacting and Diffusing Conflict

Conflict management involves maintaining assertiveness and using techniques to defuse and calm individuals who feel misunderstood or unsupported.

Effective Reaction and Diffusion

Explore techniques for reacting to and diffusing conflict:

  • Positive reinforcement for compliance
  • Clear and simple communication
  • Assessment of required speech level
  • Referring to past strengths or achievements
  • Avoiding topics leading to stalemate
  • Use of guidance and non-negotiable rules
  • Strategic yielding when appropriate

Positive Reinforcement

Reinforce positive behaviour by acknowledging compliance or accomplishments with praise and encouragement.

Importance of Positive Reinforcement:

  • Encourages desired behaviour
  • Strengthens rapport
  • Enhances communication

Effective Communication

Avoid confusion and misunderstandings by using clear and concise language. Assess the individual's communication needs and adjust your speech accordingly.

Referring to Past Strengths

Recalling past successes and composure helps establish common ground and reinforce positive behaviours.

Avoiding Stalemate Topics

Steer conversations away from topics that lead to deadlock, focusing instead on constructive discussions.

Guidance and Non-Negotiable Rules

Utilise established guidelines and rules as a basis for conflict resolution, providing factual and non-negotiable points of reference.

Strategic Yielding

Choosing to yield when appropriate and when consequences can be addressed later can help de-escalate tense situations.

Considerations for Strategic Yielding:

  • Preserving calmness
  • Avoiding detrimental consequences
  • Minimising negative impact on others

By implementing these conflict management techniques, you can effectively address and defuse conflicts, promoting a positive and harmonious environment.