Understand the difference between aggression, assertiveness and passive

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Understanding and Managing Aggressive Behaviour

Main Characteristics of Aggressive Behaviour

Hostile Expressions: Recognizing hostile words, threatening tones, gestures, or confrontational attitudes.

Defensive Aspect: Acknowledging that aggressive behaviour can also stem from a defensive stance.

Three Stages of Aggression

1st Stage - Anxiety: Exploring the initial stage of aggression, characterized by distress and uneasiness due to fear or danger.

2nd Stage - Verbal Aggression: Understanding communication of overt or suppressed hostility resulting from frustration.

3rd Stage - Physical Aggression: Examining forceful actions, unprovoked attacks, or attempts at dominance.

Identifying Aggressive Behaviour

Anxiety: Physical and emotional indicators, including flushed face, shallow breathing, pacing, and more.

Verbal Aggression: Visual cues such as red face, direct eye contact, clenched fists, and raised voice.

Physical Aggression: Observable signs like white face, dropped eyebrows, tightened lips, rapid breathing, and lowered body stance.

De-Escalation Techniques

Anxiety: Utilizing supportive behaviour, maintaining control, empathetic listening, and calm communication.

Verbal Aggression: Applying assertive behaviour, remaining firm, calm, confident, and polite.

Physical Aggression: Employing defensive behaviour, using loud commands, extending commands, and creating diversions.

Understanding Passiveness

Passive Behaviour: Describing actions of acceptance without attempting change, often accompanied by nervousness and avoidance.

Passive Thinking: Exploring internal beliefs leading to passive behaviour, driven by self-doubt and fear.

Choosing Positive Responses

Aggression vs Aggression: Recognizing the negativity of both aggressive behaviours, resulting in no winner.

Aggression vs Assertiveness: Identifying assertiveness as the positive approach that prevails.

Aggression vs Passiveness: Acknowledging the lack of a winner when aggression and passiveness clash.

Considering Consequences and Inhibitions

Consequences of Actions: Understanding potential legal, personal, and social consequences of aggressive behaviour.

Inhibitions: Recognizing self-control, personal values, fear of retaliation, and social/legal repercussions affecting actions.

Conclusion: Promoting Positive Responses

Understanding the stages and characteristics of aggressive behaviour empowers individuals to choose effective de-escalation techniques and respond assertively in conflict situations. By considering consequences and adopting positive strategies, we can navigate conflicts without resorting to aggression or passiveness.