Dynamic risk assessment

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Prioritising Safety Through Dynamic Risk Assessment

Understanding Dynamic Risk Assessment

Dynamic Risk Assessment underscores the importance of placing safety at the forefront. It involves:

"The continual process of identifying hazards, assessing risk, taking action to eliminate or reduce risk, monitoring, and reviewing in the rapidly changing circumstances of an operational incident."

Defining Dynamic Risk Assessment

Dynamic Risk Assessment can be described as:

  • Spontaneous Assessment: Swift evaluation of risks.
  • Reactive Risk Assessment: Prompt response to immediate risks.
  • Situational Awareness: Vigilant understanding of situational risks.

Imagine a lone worker visiting a residence – encountering a situation that triggers uneasiness. Dynamic Risk Assessment equips them to respond effectively, ensuring their safety.

The Dynamic Risk Assessment Cycle

  1. Assessing Threats: Identifying hazards posed by individuals, places, and objects.
  2. Evaluating Options: Analyzing available response options.
  3. Effective Response: Opting for the most suitable action.
  4. Continuous Monitoring: Perpetually tracking evolving situations.

Empowering Safety with PECT

The PECT framework empowers staff to comprehensively address safety and roles within dynamic risk assessment:

  • P for Person or People: Scrutinise actions of individuals causing concern.
  • E for Environment: Evaluate the environment for potential hazards.
  • C for Capability: Assess staff proficiency for required tasks.
  • T for Task: Ensure secure task completion feasibility.

Recording Near Miss Incidents

If a near miss incident occurs during your shift, it is vital to record it along with related concerns. A de-brief session addressing the incident can facilitate the implementation of new control measures and offer valuable insights for future staff training.